Ever since those bunkbeds arrived 3 days ago, the girls' room has been THE stompin' grounds. THE happenin' place. THE absolute place to be. Everyone who is anyone is hanging out in that room, at least in this house! They are in that room more now than they ever used to be. I like to think they are smitten by the beauty of the new beds, just as I am. However, more than likely, they probably just like it because it is new and different. And that top bunk is about as close to heaven as you can get in this house! So, I thought I would show you what all the fuss is about! I told you about our dilemma in finding nice white wooden bunkbeds over here, which was when we actually ordered them. So, the wait was long but so worth it. The bunks are absolutely beautiful! The detailing. The femininity. The color. The quality. All of it combine to create a gorgeous sleeping arrangement. Here is the photo of the bunk from the Cymax website, though whom we ordered them. The name of them is Lea Carolina Retreat.

And this is the same set of bunks in my girls room. Aren't they just great?
They definately emphasis just how small their room actually is (9' x 9.5')but there is absolutely nothing we can do about that. The disappointing part is that the beautiful detailing is mostly hidden when you look at the beds from the door. But, I know these beds will eventually make their way to our new house where the floor plan will be completely different. Hopefully, the beds can be used separately there. However, for now, this is how it will be. So, here is what the end panel, the headboard, of each bed looks like. Isn't it just gorgeous?
I just love the curve of the headboard. It adds such charm. What you cannot properly see in the pictures is the bun feet on the bottom bed. I love bun feet. And I love that these beds have them.
Jay and I, with help from all the kids, put the beds together ourselves (talk about an environmental nightmare with all the styrofoam packing pieces!). It was not hard at all. In fact, it was very easy. So few pieces. But you can tell they are quality. The headboards and footboards are heavy! Actually, the Lea company is a La-Z-Boy company so I was confident in the quality of the furniture as I know La-Z-Boy has a good reputation.
Anyway, here is a picture of the girls' room with the cribs.
And here it is with the new beds. Oh, so pretty!
Finally, to make the room complete, I need to refinish this cabinet. It was given to us by some friends when they were moving a few provinces away. It is just perfect for this room. Plus, it has bun feet! A total winner. However, it needs to be painted. It is currently just pine wood with a clear finish on it. My intention is to add some picture frame molding to it, paint it to match the beds and add new silver knobs. Should make this really functional piece really beautiful as well!
So there you have it. The new room. And, in case you were wondering, our baby also sleeps in this room. Yup, she came down to join the girls. Her playpen fits between the end of the bunkbeds and the wall, right beside the cabinet shown above, with about 3 inches to spare. But I knew it would work. After all, I graphed it out! Eventually, when she outgrows her playpen, we will slide a crib mattress under the lower bunk and use that as a trundle bed. And then, before she outgrows that, we will move and have more rooms! But for now, this is the new and cozy girl's room! Now to beautify our own!
SO FAB! I can't wait until we have girls!!!!! I adore my son!!! But I live for Shabby Chic Chandaliers o my!