1. Orchids.
I bought this orchid around Christmas and it still continues to bloom today. I have never had an orchid before but I am really loving it! So easy to care for and such a long-blooming beautiful flower.
2. Makeup.
I love to wear makeup. I love to experiment with it. I especially love playing with my eyes. I bought a few new colors of eyeshadow trios from BeautiControl and I LOVE them! Passion, Sandstone and Au Natural have now been added to my collection. Soon I will need a vanity table to contain all these wonders (can you say summer DIY project??!!)
3. Quo smudge brush.

A necessity for well-smudged eye makeup!
4. AG Infrastructure Structurizing Paste.

I have used this hair product for years and I LOVE it. It is fantastic for adding texture and volume to my hair, enhancing the shattered ends! I used it a lot when my hair was shorter and full of edges and now again I am using it with my chunky hair! It may be a bit heavy for some people but with my head of thick hair, it is perfect!
5. Stash Decaf Chai Tea.
This may possibly be my favorite tea. I steep it good and strong, add a hearty dose of milk and a scoop of honey (tea is the only place I will add "sugar" but it is almost always honey!). It has become my comfort drink at the end of the day! So, so good!
Once again, these are just a few of my favorite things!
chantelle I LOVE LOVE LOVE Stash chai spice decaf... soo yummy. after coming back from india i craved chai all the time, but with stash i can drink it in the evening too because of the decaf...yummmers