Easter is such an important celebration around here as we remember the death and sacrifice of Jesus, the Christ, our Savior and our Redeemer. That redemption, of course, is only possible because of his resurrection and I look forward to tomorrow when I can say with utmost certainty (well, I can say it all the time, not just tomorrow) that HE'S ALIVE and I'm forgiven!! Amen and amen!
Part of the celebrations of this weekend included a trip to Nana & Papa's place, who happen to be my parents. They live about 40 minutes away so we don't get over there all that often but it is always a whole lot of fun when we do! That Papa sure loves to tease our kids and they sure love to play with him!
After a wonderful meal, Papa hid the Easter bags and the kids went hunting!

Maybe next time Papa should hide AJ's bag in a slightly lower location :)

After the treats were found, eggs were decorated! I don't have any photos since I was busy helping the boys to make tie-dye eggs and the girls to make sparkle eggs (Papa sure picked some great decorating kits and was helping out the whole time!). Then after the eggs, the kids needed a play break so Papa's motorcycle became the jungle gym for a bit! I am sure there will need to be a bit of polishing after all those little fingers were all over it!

Then the Easter bread (Paska) had to be decorated. Traditionally, when my dad was a little boy, the paska was baked in tin cans instead of bread pans. That way each child received their own round mushroom-shaped paska. This year my mom indulged the memories of my dad's childhood and baked him and each of the grandkids their own paska in a tin can. They each iced the bread and sprinkled it full of sprinkles. I must say that eating it is the best part!

After everyone else had gone home, out came the water and the kids chased Papa (or Papa chased the kids) in a water fight! So much laughing and running! Papa is such a big kid at heart and it makes the kids love him even more! The memories they will take with them through life will always be of a Nana and Papa that loved them very much and showed it in such fun and memorable ways. Thanks, mom and dad, for showing the love of that Risen Savior to our children each and every time we see you! I love you!
Those are such fun traditions - or traditions in the making :)!! I love the tin-can bread idea. And we've never decorated eggs at a family gathering before. That would be .... interesting :) in our family!!! Do I sense a motorcycle family christmas photo op in the not-so-distant future ;P?