
Thursday, January 14, 2010

Baby Name Plaque

I am amazed to see how many followers I now have on this little adventure I call blogging and I sincerely apologize for my lack of posts lately. However, I have been trying to keep up with the chaos around here and set a more "family friendly" schedule - whatever that means. I go to bed earlier and get up earlier so I can clean earlier which means less time for this. If that made any sense. Annnnnyhow!

Since I last blogged, we have taken the kids on a field trip to the local Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature - they LOVED it! Gigantic dinosaur skeletons, a real Nonsuch ship to explore, a vintage town! Everyone, from the 11 month old to the 6 year old, had a fantastic time! Our farm bought a business membership so we can take the entire family to the museum as many times as we want for the next year for FREE!! Cannot get any better than that! Plus, with the membership, we can also go to the Science Gallery and the Planetarium, all housed in that same building! I sense a few more field trips in the future. And just today, with the balmy -6C temperatures we have been experiencing, we went out to Jay's parent's place and spent the late afternoon/early evening skating and snowmobiling! So much fun!

I know, you are thinking, get on with it! I want to see the baby name plaque. I found a couple of these "country" signs at our local thrift store for $2 and knew immediately what they would become.

One of my dearest friends had her baby girl just days before Christmas so this is the name plaque I created for her! Super simple! If you want the directions, check out my post from earlier.

As of yet, I have not met this beautiful little girl so I cannot wait to see her and give this to her. Now to get working on another project for this little sweetie!

1 comment:

  1. man i love the name tennyson! especially for a girl. i'm gonna have to keep that one in the back of my mind...
