
Monday, April 26, 2010

Red & Turquoise Asian Pillow Wraps

I have been wanting to build something lately - I have that building itch! (I am REALLY hoping I get some wood for Mother's Day so I can build a porch swing - the pattern is just waiting for me!) But since no building has yet happened, I decided to do a little sewing.

Remember those black pillows I bought after I made my beautiful upholstered headboard (which I am still loving!!)? Well, they were a little . . . plain. Boring. Uninspiring. They needed a little something.

That, in combination with my love of fabric, prompted me to walk the aisle of fabrics at WalMart. It is a really short aisle but this beauty caught my eye. I love - and I mean LOVE - Asian fabrics. They are so beautiful to me. In one fabric store I seldom get to, they have a whole section of these awe-inspiring fabrics. Something about the way they marry colors together or the whimsical prints of mythodical creatures or maybe the smooth, satin texture gets to me. I absolutely adore it! So, when I saw this red and turquoise combination, I knew it was coming home. And I knew those pillows were about to change!

I decided to make pillow wraps (think coffee cup wraps, only for a pillow!). I took a piece of fabric, sewed it into a rectangle, then joined the two ends with a frog, completing the Asian look. I love how it adds that pop of color!

Super easy. Super quick. Super beautiful!

1 comment:

  1. Gorgeous! I want to be like you when I grow up. :)
