
Sunday, April 25, 2010

Demolition Day (#1)

"Hey, mom! I found something really cool! Come take a look! It looks like a place bees might have lived." Who knew such an innocent statement would turn into this kind of work!

Pepe took me over to one of the old sheds standing on our new property (I have really got to get a name for that place!!) and pointed to small hole in the back of the shed. Sure enough, you could see a bit of honeycomb. Knowing that building was coming down, I ripped off one board. And then another. And then another. When I stopped ripping boards, this is what I found!

Totally cool in a not-so-cool kind of way. It is awe-inspiring to think that little bees made this honeycomb all by themselves. God is such a creative God! The not-so-cool part is thinking about all the bees that called this shed home. And the wasps. And the mice. The birds I don't mind. So, because bees and I have a hate-hate relationship (though I do appreciate them in the garden, I almost get panic attacks when I see them - freak right out at times!) I knew that shed had to go. So, with my own two hands, I started ripping it apart. I got about 2/3 of the back boards ripped off on Saturday. Then for family night (that is what we do every Sunday) we went back to see that building fall.

All the kids pitched in to pry off the boards (Ari was cheering us on from her car seat in the van parked a safe distance away!). Eventually all that was left was a lot of framing.

After lots of banging and pushing on our part (Jay and I), it went down! The kids were thrilled. So are we. The title says #1 because there is another shed that needs to go. Maybe next weekend? Some people go for walks for fun, we push over sheds! Now for that massage . . . .


  1. wow!!!-crazy-that-you-could-get-that-all-done-in-one-evening!!!!

  2. Wow, did you save all that wood to make something cool? Maybe it's all rotted but if not, what a dream find. I can imagine the possibilities... What a great Family outing either way.
