
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Progress is Happening

I know.  It has been WEEKS since any update.  But it is not because we stopped working.  We have been working almost every single day, all through Christmas "break".  In fact, I even did a little work on Christmas Day.  Gasp!  The only full days off we had were the Sundays and the 26th, which had a family gathering plopped right in the middle of it and went on all day.  All the other days saw us working madly.  See, we really, really, REALLY want to move in at the end of January and our list is still super long.  Sometimes it is discouraging to see what is all left.  Sometimes it is encouraging.  Nonetheless, each day the house looks a little less like a construction site and a little more like a home.  A finished home.  And we have already checked 7 things off the list this week (which really doesn't bode well since we need to finish 40 each week but it sure makes us feel good since some weeks saw us finishing 7 things in 6 days instead of 2)Oh, and the fact that Jason's manager at the hog barns quit and is done throws another wrench into the "finish quickly" plans.  He is at the house this week but cannot promise to be there at all next week since he needs to work at the hog barns.  Yeah.  Whatever.  It will get done when it gets done, right?

I truly do intend to update each of the weeks leading up to today but in the meantime I will leave you with a few teaser photos to show you how things are shaping up.  I think it is coming together so nicely!

coffered ceiling and mantle all painted white

stonework on fireplace surround - I did it all myself!

one of two aqua rooms in the house - laundry room is coming together nicely

mudroom concrete floor is stained and sealed and the walls are all painted

There is much work that has been completed since these photos were taken but I will leave that for another day.  Now at least you can see what has taken a little bit of our time.  And, if you enjoy checking out our progress, please comment and let me know!!  I love reading the comments but get a little disappointed when the only comments showing up are spam!  :)


  1. You don't know me, but I'm a friend of Wayne and Julie's from MacGregor. She mentioned your blog to me a while ago, and I have really enjoyed checking in and seeing the progress on your home. I'm not a stalker, honest!!

    Claudette Friesen

  2. I have been reading about your home building saga for months now. I'm impressed by your progress and dedication. And now, you are almost done!!

  3. I have loved watching your house become a home! All the work your family has done is amazing. You inspire me! All the best in the last few weeks. Looking forward to more pictures as well!

  4. I love reading/seeing your progress. You guys have come so far! Any plans for an open house once you're all moved and settled in? :)

  5. I've been following you closely since the begging of your journey. It's a huge inspiration story! I want to build my own home someday too.

    Congratulations on the "almost" finished home. You will have a cool story to tell your grand-kids about building a house by your own hands.

    Good luck!
