
Monday, November 26, 2012

Owner Building a Home - Week 26 - Flooring Arrives, Prep For Countertops

I know it is already over a week ago that this should have been posted - sorry to be so slow!

This week was a super slow week for me.  I had a doctor appointment with AJ on both Tuesday afternoon and Friday afternoon so that meant I wasn't at the house at all.  I also had company coming over on Wednesday evening so I stayed home that day to clean and prepare some food.  Saturday was the day after learning of AJ's heart diagnosis and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed.  We stayed home.  So, given I was only there 2 days, I will just post some photos of some of the things we saw happen.  Jay continued to work each day but I don't always know what he has done.  However, things continue to progress, even it if it is slowly.

We crushed more glass for the counter top.

The guys continued to form the counter top form.

They installed the ceiling medallion in the dining room.

They also built a mock-up of the coffered ceiling in the living room.  The cardboard was just to get a sense of how deep we wanted the "beams" to be.

Jason went to the US to pick up our Brazilian Pecan flooring that I had ordered from Georgia about a month ago and had shipped to Pembina, ND.  It is a little nerve-wracking to order something this expensive from a company you have never been to.  We hoped the flooring was everything we wanted it to be and . . . so far . . . it is! It is so gorgeous.  Hopefully the installation goes just as smoothly as buying and getting the flooring.


While I was in the city with AJ on Tuesday, I went to many stores buying crown moulding, a dresser to be used as a vanity, colored glass to be smashed into itty bitty pieces, groceries, lighting, etc.  The van was super full but it was a good day.  On Friday I only made one stop after the 3-hour long appointment but it was to pick up the charcoal colorant for the counter tops we will be pouring next week.  It was necessary even if I would have rather come straight home.  Sitting in city traffic during rush hour after hearing your son has a serious heart condition is not my idea of a good time.  But God was faithfully with me and I am so thankful for that.

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