
Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Minneapolis Trip - Part III

Day 7 - Sunday, July 25

I really, really wanted to find either a flea market or an antiques store. Turns out, AntiQues Minnesota was just a short trip away. The family waited in the van while I tried to hurry through a HUGE warehouse filled with shelf upon shelf of antiques from many different antique dealers. Not an easy feat. I went as quick as I could and found a beautiful footed compote bowl at 50% off - only $7.99! I snatched it up and added it to my collection!

Once again, I wanted to check out a store we don't have here in Manitoba - HomeGoods! Turns out it looks a lot like HomeSense and I love that store and I have one within 35 minutes of my house! So, I really enjoyed searching that store and only bought one small vanity mirror. But, it was a fun place for me to be!

Today, we took the kids to a splash park we heard about through my friend. Ari really loved running through all the water. Ali takes her time to warm up to the idea but once she likes it, she really likes it, getting totally soaked!

Day 8 - Monday, July 26

Homeward Bound! We did take some time to stop at Gordman's in Fargo on the way home. It is a real shame there is no Gordman's in Winnipeg. I can always find something to love in that store! On the way home, we didn't make as many stops as on the way down so the kids were starting to get a little worn out of driving. RJ was actually crying that she wanted to go home. Then she agreed to drive to Flin Flon (another 7 hour drive!). We gratefully made it home at about 9:30pm that night and gladly fell into our own beds!

We loved our vacation and have lots of great memories! I loved that I could spend time with the kids and not have to think about laundry or cooking or cleaning or paperwork or housework or anything! I could just be with my family! We were blessed to be able to spend those 8 days together doing exactly what we wanted and having a whole lot of fun in the meantime! I wonder what we will do on our next vacation?!

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