
Saturday, June 26, 2010

I Was Chosen as the Great Craftswoman of the Week!

Imagine my utter surprise and delight when Rory at Tools Are For Women Too (I love that name!) chose me as his Great Craftswoman of the Week for my Adirondack Chairs I recently posted about. I am so honored, Rory! Check out his website and all the other wonderfully talented craftswomen he honors with their creative, unique and beautiful creations!
Edited to add: It is always best to read the bio of the blog you are checking out to find out who exactly is creating it and whether that person is male or female! My apologies, Rory!



  1. Your chairs are great! Thought you might like to know...Rory is a guy! He just posted about it a week or two about it. Nice guy!

  2. Hi Chantelle! I just found your blog via Rory's site and it's so fun to read! I love all your projects,hearing about your family, and the way you're not afraid of power tools. I'm your newest follower, and I hope you'll stop by my blog as well.
