
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

There are few things more enjoyable then the anticipation of seeing little shoots of plants poking their way out of the ground. Every year I plant a garden and every year I take time each day to have a look and see if anything is poking its little head out. This year the 3 older kids helped plant the garden and are just as excited as I am to check out the daily progress. So far, in the garden here at home (we planted more in the country such as novelty potatoes, sweet and ornamental corn, pumpkins of various sizes and colors and gourds), we have corn




and lettuce.

I cannot help but be in awe of the God who makes things grow. It says that we plant and water and the Lord gives the increase. There is nothing I can do after planting but have faith that those little seeds will sprout and grow into something great, much like the way we plant the truth of God's word into the lives of our children. We can plant, we can tend, we can water but ultimately the growth occurs because of the Lord. What a leap of faith! What an exciting thing to see the seeds grow and blossom into something beautiful! So, how does your garden grow?

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