
Friday, May 21, 2010

New Life for Old Shoes {New Heel Tips}

Well, these aren't actually old shoes. This pair I bought last year from Zappos

and this pair I bought a little while ago at our local thrift store for $2!

Both were in need of some new tips. Don't you just hate it when your favorite heels suddenly fall apart in the tips after all that walking? You probably think you need to throw them away but let me tell you a secret - YOU DON'T!! If the only thing wrong with your shoes is a smashed heel tip, you can very easily replace the tips and your shoes are as good as new! That is exactly what I did and for way less than the cost of new shoes, I have shoes worth walking in! Take a quick detour over to and check out their large selection of different sized and shaped heel tips. They are cheap (only $4.95 for a pair) and shipping to here was $5.99. So, for a bit less than $8 a pair, my shoes are good to go!

The first thing you need to do is measure, in mm, the size of your heel tip. Try to measure the one that is the least smashed. And by smashed, I am referring to this:

Once your new tips come in, take a pair of pliers and remove the old tips. If you see the new tip (check out the photo above), it is a piece of plastic on a post. Your old tip is exactly the same. The one pair pulled out a little easier than the other but it really is quite easy. You may need to carve away the old plastic with a knife to expose the old post but then you just grab it with a plier and wiggle and pull. You will then have something that looks like this:

In the middle of that now-clean heel is a hole. You just pop that new tip into the hole, push down firmly, and VOILA!! In about 5 minutes, new shoes! I was so thrilled that I could wear these two pairs again! I will certainly be wearing the fringed one on date night tonight!

Just one more look at the difference a new heel tip can make!

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