
Monday, May 10, 2010

Goodbye MOPS, Hello . . . ?

Every other Monday for the past 4 1/2 years, breaking only for summer and Christmas. That's how long I have been faithfully attending Mothers of Preschoolers at our church. I started out on the Steering Team as the Creative Activities Coordinator then spent the last 2 years as the main Coordinator. If you are not familiar with MOPS, it is an organization that "exists to encourage, equip and develop every mother of preschoolers to realize her potential as a woman, mother and leader in the name of Jesus Christ." Currently it runs in Canada, the United States and many other countries. We provide childcare for the preschoolers while sharing a brunch with the moms followed by either a creative activity or a DVD session followed by group discussion. It has been a great outlet for me to meet other moms in our town (contrary to popular opinion, I am slightly shy of people I do not know - if I do know you, watch out!!) though it has really exaggerated my inability to remember names, which makes me feel just awful! This year has been the best of the years. Somehow the women bonded better or I just finally felt comfortable and I think I actually know every one's name!

For the last MOPS of each year, we always hold a spring tea. Today's had a Parisian theme - since we as moms don't get out that often, we decided to pretend we were on a sidewalk cafe in Paris indulging in some cheese and baguettes, Mocha Cheesecake, Baked Brie, Hot Artichoke Dip, 4 Berry Cheesecake, Crepes with Nutella, Dinner Strata, Chocolate Fondue with many types of fruit and the list goes on. We sat in our spring best and shared our "champagne" or some lattes and steamers! It was a wonderful morning that required a lot of work on my part but I Loved. It. All. I really, really love to spoil my "guests" and make them feel blessed. Some may feel it is going overboard. Some may feel it is too much work. I think each and every one of those women is worth spending that time and energy (and I can always nap later - which I did!).

So, now that chapter of my life is done. Will I miss it? Absolutely! Am I glad it is over. Definitely. It has been taking too much energy from my family and really isn't conducive to homeschooling. Jay has asked that I not fill that time with something else - at least, not right away! I am always brimming with ideas or things I would love to do so that might be a little tricky. For now, I hope you enjoyed your glimpse of our morning as taken by my friend over at WorthTenThousandWords on my camera!

1 comment:

  1. The table setting looks BEAUTIFUL (of course :P). Glad it went so well, and ended on such a high note!
