Some of you have been waiting to see the end result of my Mother's Day gift. I will show you . . . but first I want to tell you a little about what we did to celebrate!
First off, Jay made a slideshow using Smilebox - it was such a sweet and creative gift. You must remember, of the two of us, I am the creative one! It really was quite humourous. The day before Mother's Day, 8 of us girls went to get pedicures (my VERY FIRST!!) and Jay stayed home with the kids and worked on this "surprise". The moment I walked in the door I was informed that I had to stay away from the office. A little while later Jay comes out TICKED OFF! He was rambling some such nonsense that sounded something like this: "I don't even know why I bother! I just wasted the entire afternoon! I am like an 85 year old man on the computer! I have no clue what I am doing. There is no point in me being creative!" It was quite humourous for me and not-so-much for him! So, I asked and apparently he was trying to send the Smilebox slideshow in an email that was to arrive the next day - it just didn't want to send. So, I walked in the office, he pressed send once more and it worked! So, anyhow, I got that email/slideshow on Mother's Day morning and it was beautiful! I was treated to breakfast in bed (I had already gotten out and was told to get back!) and we skipped church! We headed out to Winnipeg to the Friends of the Conservatory Plant Sale that happens every Mother's Day. When we arrived, AJ told me he wanted to go someplace "much funner than this"! Too bad. It was my day, my fun! After a quick trip through the plants (no point in buying much if we are moving in 2 years) we picked up some subs and headed to a park for lunch. I loved every minute. The kids thought the park needed a play structure.

After coming home for an afternoon nap, we headed to Jay's parents place for supper. That was the end of a great day spent with my beautiful babes! I loved it!
On to the gift. I find being subtle doesn't work. Being direct is great for your expectations. It also helps when dad/husband has no clue what to get and neither do the kids. Even the guy at the hardware store said he wished his wife would tell him what to get! So, I was direct. And got this:

It is just beautiful! Wood. The exact right amount to make this:

Yup! I made that almost all-by-myself (admittedly, there were a few times I needed the help of a dashingly handsome and stronger young man - really, did you expect me to hang it myself??!!). It is perfect for by our entrance! The kids love to sit on it and Pepe has found a new reading spot.

Some of you may remember that I had two willow chairs (that we made on our anniversary a few years ago) sitting in this spot. Well, they got moved. This is their new home! What do you think? The kids approved! Really, the kids approve of a lot of things. Except plant sales. They do not approve of those!

So, anyhow, I am loving my new porch swing and hope to make more in the future. Next time, however, I will read the instructions properly and avoid a few mistakes. And some bad thoughts!