
Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring Fun!

As mentioned yesterday, with this beautiful summer weather in the middle of April, the days are spent outside, school is done on the deck, and the house is a mess (which I am trying to be okay with and failing!)! So, in the last couple of days, Ari has enjoyed her first swing ride:

We took our neighbours' son out to the country for our first of many-to-come weiner roasts (after they went frog hunting and came up empty handed):

We dug and cut and pulled and hauled and other things related to gardening:

RJ learned how to ride her bike without training wheels! She just turned 4 2 months ago and she has mastered it easily! The first time I took those training wheels off I only had to help her start and stop. She drove like a drunken sailor, weaving all over, but she never fell off. I waited about a week and she drove straight. This week I showed her how to start by herself and how to turn around and now she is driving without any help from me. We only took them off for the first time about 2 weeks ago. She is a determined little girl whose motto in life is: "If the boys can do it, I can do it . . . better!" She has been, by far, the easiest to teach to ride!

Finally, the kids pulled out the slippy slide (as they have dubbed it) and enjoyed an August activity on an April day. It looks kind of weird to see them in their bathing suits while the leaves have yet to appear on the trees. Hey, the temperature was 25C in the shade - just hot enough to enjoy a little water - what a blast they had!

Oh, and at care group the other day, I saw a ewe give birth to her lamb! That was A.MAZE.ING! Totally in awe! Super cool! If only I could give birth that quietly! Ha! Anyhow, I did not bring my camera with me as that was a little unexpected. It will, however, be etched in my mind! What a fabulous spring!

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