
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Christmas Creations - Black Apple Dolls

I have the absolute pleasure - nay, the privilege (movie reference, anyone??!!) of teaching 6 adorable 2-3 year old girls Sunday School! Every week I get to see their beautiful faces and hear their beautiful voices as they interact with me about different Bible stories and we dance up a storm while singing. I love those mornings, even though they can be a bit tiring! So, for Christmas, I wanted to make something for them that they will treasure, at least for a little while, if not for the rest of their lives. That's not too much to ask, is it??☺

Red heads. Blondes. Brunettes. Oh my!

I stumbled upon this pattern for Black Apple Dolls put out by Martha as created by Emily Martin. As soon as I saw them, I knew I had to make at least one. Maybe two. Okay 6! 6 different little dolls for 6 very different little girls. They really are easy to make if you remember the following:
  1. I don't believe the pattern includes a seam allowance. I enlarged the pattern 150%, as stated, then added 1/4 inch around all sides for a seam allowance.

  2. When sewing on the arms and legs, the pattern simply says to sandwich them between the front and back and then sew all around. However, when I tried it this way, the legs and/or arms were only partially attached. My suggestion: sew the arms and legs to the front of the doll first using a scant seam allowance. Then when sewing the front and back together, make sure to either sew on the seam you just made or just inside it to cover it up. Make sense? It was waaaaay easier this way and everything was properly attached.

  3. She suggests using acrylic paint for the facial details. I used a red and black Sharpie. Works great. No clean up!
That's it. That is all I would do differently. Get creative with your embellishments. Check out the web for other crafter's versions of the doll and their ideas. So easy! So much fun! And hopefully the girls love them! After doing this, even I have a favorite! We will see who gets her.

Now, go find some scraps and make some dolls for that little (or big) girl in your life! She will love you for it!


  1. Was it A Knight's Tale? (The movie reference, I mean.)

  2. These turned out sooo well! Our two little cuties have been quickly adopted into the dolly nursery around here :). Thanks to Mikayla, every doll has a special spot, a mat, a blanket and usually a stuffy or a dolly :). Not sure where you find the time (or the energy!!) to do all this :) - but what a beautiful idea for a gift. And THANKS for investing in our girlies every Sunday morning! They love sunday school!!
