
Monday, November 16, 2009

Graph Paper Magic

Although I should be moments away from teaching the boys (even though the rest of the school division has an inservice day, we will still do our own), they had a sleep-over at Grandma & Grandpa's house, along with a few of their cousins, so I thought I would quickly blog before they arrive home in 1 1/2 hours. Hopefully, hooooooooopefully (fingers crossed) this is the week the girl's new bed arrives. With that in mind, I need to figure out where everything will go. In the past, long before I ever read this blog, I was already plotting things out on graph paper to figure out what would fit where in a room. Seeing as Dusty has already detailed it for you, head on over there for all the particulars. I am not into moving big huge bunkbeds around in a small room, plus various other pieces of furniture, to figure out what configuration would be best. Graph paper is the most logical answer plus it saves a lot of backbreaking work, not to mention the floors. So, that is my goal for today, graphing the girl's room, along with cleaning it up! I cannot wait for that magic phone call that asks me when they can bring that bed on over!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to be painting Emily's room for her birthday in January and want to re-arrange her furniture. I also didn't want to be moving things around just to see how they fit so this is perfect timing to learn about graph paper! It makes so much sense! Thanks.
