
Thursday, November 5, 2009

Fun Times Ahead

So, I may not be popping by for a few days since this weekend could get a little busy - and really, really fun! Friday night I get to hang out with the women of my care group as we head to an Italian restaurant for supper! YUM! YUM!! I LOVE LOOOOOOOVE Italian food! And hanging out with these friends will be a blast. Saturday afternoon, after spending some time at the country property cutting up fallen trees and starting a wee little bit of yard clean up (which is really fun, in my opinion!), I am heading into the city to spend some time at the fabric store to pick up a few things for the chair I am redo-ing and whatever else catches my eye. Have I mentioned before how much I love LOVE fabric stores? Almost as much as Italian food. And chocolate. Also, on Saturday night I get to go out for supper with my hubby! Not sure yet where but just being alone with him will be fantastic. Originally, we were supposed to go on a double date with some very dear friends of ours. Their babysitter backed out on them so we will have to change it to another night. However, our sitter was already booked. Might as well take advantage of that. Sunday night we head over to some sweet friend's place for supper. Really, what a great weekend it will be. So, I will see you sometime next week, hopefully with a new and beautiful chair (it is so close to being done - I am giddy with excitement! You will NOT believe the difference!☺). Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Good food, friends and fun!!! What MORE could you want in a weekend :)!? Oh yeah, FABRIC!!! See you tomorrow :P.
