
Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Nothing Like Homemade Bread!

I have purposed in my heart to stop buying bread products and, instead, make them myself. However, when you have fallen in love with a particular store-bought bread (Country Harvest Flax is my all-time favorite!!), it can be difficult to find a recipe you like. You find yourself comparing everything to that soft, tasty yet good-for-you loaf. In my attempt to recreate that wonderful bread, I have tried a few recipes. Most failed. Usually too heavy. I don't want a really hearty, really heavy wheat loaf. I also don't want a colon-clogging loaf of white nothingness. I think I finally found "the one!" The recipe I keep making over and over. It is soft. It is full of flax (a prerequisite for me!), it contains lots of whole wheat and it is delicious! And, I will happily share the recipe with you!


6 3/4 tsp. yeast
3 cups warm water
3/4 cup sugar

Mix this together and let the yeast bubble up and then add:

1 tbsp. and 1 1/2 tsp. salt
3 eggs, beaten
1/4 cup and 2 tbsp. oil
1 cup ground flax
1/2 cup 100% natural wheat bran
1/2 cup wheat germ
3 cups whole-wheat flour*
1 tsp lemon juice

Mix together well then let stand for 10 minutes. I was told the lemon juice softens the whole-wheat flour, creating a softer loaf of bread.

5 tbsp. whole flax seeds
approximately 5 cups white flour

Mix well and knead for 10 minutes. Dough should be soft and slightly sticky. Place in a greased bowl and then spray the top of the dough with oil,too. Cover with a piece of waxed paper and a tea towel then place in the oven with the oven light turned on. Let rise for 1 hour. Punch down dough and divide into 4 loaves. Place dough into greased bread pans. Spray tops of loaves with oil again, cover with waxed paper and tea towel. Place back into oven for 1 hour rising time. Remove from oven, preheat oven to 375F. Bake for approximately 25 minutes (I usually check at about 20 minutes) or until golden brown. Slice and enjoy!

* I use home-milled whole-grain whole-wheat flour. I am sure store-bought whole-wheat flour would work just as well.

**For a softer crust, cover loaves with a tea towel while cooling. The steam cannot escape as easily, creating a softer crust.

Doesn't that look yummy? My dough is currently rising and I look forward to slathering that first hot slice with butter and savoring every moment of home-baked goodness!


  1. Thank you for that recipe. I don't know if you saw my blogposts about bread, but I think I am missing the Bread Making Gene that my mother seems to have in abundance. I'll give this one a try...thanks for the tip about lemon juice, maybe that will save me. :) It looks delicious.

  2. Looks yummy! Any chance I could buy a loaf off you at the party on Sunday?


  3. YUM! I am a lover of healthy homemade bread, can't wait to try it!!

  4. can I have one too pls??

  5. Looks wonderful! I'll be trying your recipe this month!

