
Saturday, June 30, 2012

Day 32 - Exterior Framing of House COMPLETE!!

Well, except the garage.  Yes, yesterday we finished putting up the final walls to complete the framing of the exterior of the second floor which also completed all the exterior walls of the house.  I spent all afternoon framing the rakehead wall at the center of the house.  Mr.W had all the lines snapped on the floor and explained all the 27 1/2 degree cuts I would need to make and then I went at it.  Since the wall has a vaulted ceiling and has 2 windows in it, it takes a bit more time to put together.  Towards the end of it, Mr.W helped out as there was a bunch of math to figure out. 

But we finished the wall and put it up!

Mr.W has now snapped about 1/2 the lines for the interior walls, which we can start on Monday, if we want.  Today we are going away for a baseball tournament and knowing that all the exterior walls are complete, I should be able to enjoy the day without thinking I need to be working.

Jason spent a bit of time adding fill to the inside of the garage grade beam and then he was working on levelling out a large pad at the back of the house.  Since our roof has 8/12 and 12/12 pitches, we are making the roof on the ground and craning it up in sections.  With the pitches we have and with the house being so tall, it is safer to work on the ground rather than in the air.  Jay was preparing the area for that.  With these hot temperatures, it is completely dry and easy to move around.  Now even if we get rain, hopefully the pad stays fairly dry (or at least dries quickly).

A complete and total gift was my mom showing up with a fantastic lunch for us.  I was lamenting the night before that I had no idea what to make for lunch and then she sends an email asking if she can bring food.  What a blessing!  What a treat!  And there is even leftover rhubarb cake to bring along for lunch today!  Mom, thanks for thinking of us and going to all that work for us!  It made my day!

Yesterday was also Mr.B's last day working for us.  The intent was to work until just before school started again in late August but the hard work and high temperatures was really getting to him.  It is just not his thing and his body isn't adjusting well.  It really is hard physical work.  Mr.W said yesterday you don't need hot yoga, pilates or even zoomba when you are framing in the heat. It is hot and tiring work so you really have to have the desire to do it.  Since it is our house, we have the passion and that is what fuels us.  Mr.W also keeps reminding us that this is a marathon, not a sprint.  Jay and I talked about it and, for now, we think we are just running at a bit of a faster pace than others might.  But we have for years.  We aren't feeling stressed about the building at all.  We just need to ensure we get enough rest and enough food and we are fine!  So, we will miss having those extra hands helping out but I am sure we will continue fine without him.

So here is the exterior of the house, showing all sides.

Front of house faces south.  Second floor openings from left: bedroom window, lounge window, bedroom window, door to office (which will be over the garage)

West side of house.  Second floor opening: bedroom

Back of house faces north.  Second floor openings from left: master bath, master bedroom (x2), bedroom

East side of house.  Second floor opening far right: master bath


  1. Looks like things are coming together beautifully, life lessons and all :). What a great memory to go with the beautiful house!

  2. Awesome! It's all so exciting. I'm amazed at your skills :)
