
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Wheels on My Bike Go Round and Round!

I finally had an excuse to buy a bike helmet.  Yeah, I actually wanted one.  Wierd, I know.  But I figure since I insist my kids wear one I should, too!  Jay didn't think I should since that would mean he should and he wasn't.  But, now I NEED one!  I even found one that has hot pink on it.  It was destined to be. 

See, I have decided to ride 10km for a worthy cause on October 1 as part of Ride for Refuge, a fundraising bike ride in support of the displaced, vulnerable and exploited.  I am SO excited about this!  Mostly, I am excited because we are raising money for the Crisis Pregnancy Center here in Winnipeg.  This is the same place I have been donating handmade hats and bibs.  See, something happened while I was making those gifts - the Lord awoke a desire to continue helping this ministry in a practical hands-on way.  We help many ministries here at our house but mostly we just give money.  It is not so practical to help our friends in Ethiopia or in the Philippians or in the many other countries.  So, for them we give our money and our prayers.  With this ministry, I can help in a tangible way.  So, this time I am getting on my bike and cruising the highway.  Do you remember the very first time you heard your baby's heartbeat (if you have children)?  Even with my 5th pregnancy, I would still laugh delightedly at that sound - reminded me of galloping horses.  I even bought a monitor that I could use at home to listen to the heartbeat.  I would put on those headphones, turn on the little machine and close my eyes and just listen.  That was the life of my child I was listening to.  It was magical.  It was glorious.  And there was no denying it was life.  Some of these women that come into the crisis center don't understand that the child they carry is a living being.  Some are torn apart in the decision of whether to give life to the child or end it.  But if they could just hear the sound of their child's heart, the difference it could make.  That could save lives.  That could change their world!  So, I am riding on behalf of those children and those moms - I want to change their worlds.  Raising money so dopplers can be purchased and heartbeats heard and lives saved is why I am riding.  Will you help me in this cause?  I have a personal goal to raise $500 and I am about 32% of the way there.  You can easily contribute by following this link to my personal page.  Or maybe you want to get involved yourself and raise money for some worthy cause in your area.  Check out this link for rides in your area (Canada) or this link for the United States.  Whatever the case, bless you consider riding for refuge.  And think of me on October 1 (and October 2!)

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