
Monday, June 20, 2011

A Father's Day to Remember

I don't usually hang out with my dad on Father's Day. It's not that I don't want to. It is just that there is usually no time. This year was different. This year, I had this brilliant idea that my sister, my brother and I should take my dad golfing on Father's Day. If you know anything about how I golf (or the rest of my family, for that matter!) or if you know anything about the personality of my family, you know that a golfing experience would certainly be . . . painful? Hilarious? Pathetic? Memorable! Certainly, above all else, it was memorable! Since this was only my second time golfing, I was BY FAR the absolute worst golfer . . . on the entire course, I am sure! But I managed to come home will only a few less balls than I lost in the woods (it helped that I also found 3 to balance the numerous ones I lost), I never threw my clubs in frustration, I am showing no signs of having infected myself with poison ivy (it was rampant in the bushes where my balls always ended up) and I had a lot of fun! I love my father and am so glad that I was able to spend time with him yesterday. I have given my share of ties (my father is the largest tie-collector I have ever seen and enjoys a really nice tie!), written a few notes, but I think this year I will remember for a long time. Maybe, just maybe, when his memory is no longer good and he forgets this day ever happened, he will let me golf with him again. That is probably the only time he would repeat yesterday's . . . adventure! I love you, dad! Thanks for the memories!

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