
Thursday, May 6, 2010

T-Tube Surgery Today - Please Pray

Pepe is scheduled for his ear surgery today at 2pm. The unfortunate part is that he has come down with a cold. And with him, due to his asthma, every time he gets a cold his chest gets really congested and his wheezing begins. Talking with the nurse yesterday I learned that if his cold is in his chest and his wheezing continues, the anaesthetist will not put him under and the surgery will be cancelled. So, we are praying and invite you to pray with us that his lungs will be clear and free of obstruction. We are also praying for peace, calm and courage for our son. He had this surgery two years ago and remembers it, and the separation from mom, vividly. He DOESN"T want to do this again. And yet his hearing requires it. So, join us in lifting this 7-year old boy up before his Heavenly Father who has promised never to leave him and who can go with him wherever Pepe goes.

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