
Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Soon We Will Be Famous (at least in Manitoba!)

Remember that commercial I mentioned the other day? Well, today was the BIG day! What a fun time! First of all, we cleaned the whole upstairs in an attempt to make it appear that we did not, in fact, live in this house. As clean as it was, it might have been my mom's house but it certainly wasn't ours. It was gloriously clean. Then the crew (there were 6 or 7 of them) decided we needed more toys around. Go figure! I clean up all the toys and they want them back! After they discussed several different scenarios, up went the lights and the camera and we went to work. I should say baby girl went to work! What a trooper! A one-year old only wants to walk back and forth so many times before she gets tired and she did it for over an hour! There were breaks here and there but she was amazing! Especially considering it was getting close to naptime and all these strangers were looking at her while a camera followed her every move. Another really cool thing was the photographer/videographer was one of the main ones covering the men's gold medal hockey game on Sunday in Vancouver. Fresh from the Olympics and in our livingroom. I won't say exactly what the commercial is for but I can say the title will be something like "First Steps" and it stars baby Ari taking her first steps and walking! Not only was this for a commercial, it will become billboards and signs on the backs of buses and radio commercials and print ads! This is way more than we thought it was going to be but it was so SO fun! The ads should start airing April 5 and continue for 8 weeks and then again in the fall sometime! I will let you know when we see the first one so you know what to look for!
Total sidenote: I hope everyone is wrong and that the TV doesn't add 10 pounds! I wore black, just in case!! :)

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