
Sunday, August 2, 2009

Sunday Nights are Family Nights!

It has become tradition around here to spend Sunday evenings as a family engaging in some activity enjoyable for the kids. Sometimes it is as simple as popping some corn and watching a kids movie. Other times we hitch up the bike trailers and take a long bike ride around town, stopping at various playgrounds or indulging in slurpees and icecream. Today, we went to the zoo. The temperature was a balmy 21C with overcast skies, which means the cats came out to play! Look at the leopard posing for me!

And, seeing as it is the middle of summer, babies are showing up all over the zoo. I was able to capture some moms and their babes.

Of course, the best babes of all to watch are my own! Here are the oldest 3 enjoying the sights!

Thanks to my friend, Leah, over at, we have now incorporated one more element to end each family night - our family journal! The concept is quite simple but oh-so-fun! Take a journal of sorts (ours is a sketch pad) and record noteworthy events of the week in drawing form. The three oldest, along with J and I, take turns adding our images of favorite, or maybe not-so-favorite, memories of the previous 7 days. Though this is only the second week of recording, the kids already look forward to it.

The whole point of our family nights is to intentionally create memories with our kids! We want them to grow up knowing that we can and do have fun together as a family. Do you intentionally connect with your family? Are family nights a part of your routine? What are some of your favorite things to do?

PS: To all of you who have stopped by to check out my blog and leave me a comment, THANK YOU!! This is way more fun than journalling! Have a great week!

1 comment:

  1. We are hoping to head to the zoo on Thursday, weather permitting! I can't wait to point out the babes to M & K :). Yahoo for the Family Notebook, too!! It's so fun, isn't it :)?! I love seeing what comes out....
