
Monday, August 17, 2009

Family Fun

Sunday nights are family nights so, since it was raining, we decided to go bowling. Glow bowling! We rented the bumper lane for one hour and had a great time watching the kids bowl. I was amazed they actually make bowling shoes in sizes small enough for kids - and they are sooo cute, complete with Velcro! I was not sure they would have Ali's size (size 5-6) so we brought her Robeez along and she wore those.

The first thing the lady tells us is to watch that the kids don't pinch their fingers. Okay. Sure. Not a problem. Not really sure where they would pinch their fingers but I am a responsible parent. They won't wander down the lane and end up in the pins or anything. Nope, no pinched fingers here. What a good parent I am! Until I hear Ali crying. She pinched her fingers. Between those shiny balls she just had to get from the ball return. Oooohhhh. THAT'S where they can pinch their fingers! Lesson learned!

The rest of the evening was uneventful pinched-fingers-wise -- we got smart and set up one parent to guard the shiny balls. The kids had so much fun, even 2 year-old Ali! Imagine being allowed to throw balls inside (a no-no at our house!). Sure, her ball needed some coaxing to get to the end (that's why they put the bumper lane at the end so you can walk beside it and "encourage" the balls along) but who cares?? The really sad part is that my 4 and 6 year-old almost had the same score as their mother! Okay, so its been a while since I played and they DID have the bumpers, but, come on! I think I need some practice. Though it is not the cheapest evening, it is one we will definately do again!

{I apologize for the poor quality of the photos - this was glow bowling, which means it was dark and not conducive to photography!}

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